Jasmine Villegas!

Villegas. I have been through a rough time and had some pretty shitty moments in life. Jasmines music has always been an escape from so many situations its far to hard to count.
One thing I massively hate is the fact that so many articles always refer to Jasmine as 'Justin Biebers ex' its unfair to say thats why she's recognised. Jasmine has so many more reasons to be in the lime light, I love Justin but Jasmine isn't just 'one of his ex's'. Shes a powerful independent women and that is pretty hard to find in this day an age.
Lets be real, Jasmine found fame, starting in music videos. Yes, admittedly this was by playing Justin Biebers love interest following this she launched her music career, with such songs as 'All these Boys', 'Werk' & 'Serious'. In terms of age at 21 Jasmine signed for 'Interscope Records'.
After having such a hard time Jasmine released 'Didn't Mean It' based on self experience, this launched her campaign and Just showed the world how strong she really is.
I Love Jasmine and honestly wish she would tour the UK <3
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