I am obviously new to Sims 4 as I have only just purchased it within this last hour. I have had Sims 3 + around 10 of the expansion packs for ages however I can't say I'm an expert.
I do have various views on Sims 3 which I will link a new post to later in the month.
In terms of Sim 4; The presentation has improved with a slightly more streamlined interface. They've also made slight tweaks and improvements to the social interactions, activities and Life Goals. I have only been playing Sims 4 for a few hours and so far I believe that the biggest change that has come from this is the multitasking this simply is because we can now have our sims complete/accomplish more in less time. Another advantage of the new sims is that you can easily share your custom content as a welcome addition. It provides the ability for use to experiment with different types of Sims.
Unfortunately it must be noted that at this moment in time the ability to build a basement or a pool in your home doesn't exist. But lets face it we already know as Sims gamers that is is expected that this may come with the paid expansion packs. Its easy to say those who have enjoyed previous Sims will also enjoy this,
However it must be said that the Sims 4 is admittedly less fun than The Sims 3 as it seems the content has become more mature and seems less for the younger generation therefore, in terms of playability, it takes a few steps back.
When scrolling through a few reviews and gaming tips I noticed one had said that "the beloved toddler life stage has been removed" I therefor ditched the browsing and headed straight back to the game to see how true this was.... its true they have ditched the beloved toddler life stage meaning that players can no longer care for and play with infant Sims. I also took not that we no longer have access to the Create-a-Style tool, meaning that the depth of our own customization is limited.
I found that this game does still come out with regular updates or "patches" which can be automatically downloaded. These updates add in cool new features (Christmas items were added recently) (UPDATE 01/12/15 Pools have been added). As we all know these updates enhance our game-play experience.
The Sims 4 is a point-and-click experience. Which is rather engaging , now that an emotions system has been implemented, the Sims are more lively and responsive than ever before.
The game seeks to mimic real life, players will unavoidably come in contact with themes such as death, the supernatural, love affairs, child birth, and so on and so forth.
The Sims 4, now lets players create Sims of various body shapes/sizes aswell as ethnicities, this was key feature missing in the previous installments. Another fantastic feature which has been long awaited is the female clothing options are surprisingly more racier in this game, and there is an option to enhance breast and buttocks size using the new grab and pull feature. Which is a step up from some of the awful clothing options in previous Sims. There are several more "Romantic" interactions in this game, including a variety of kissing styles and well... suggestive interactions. It might come as a relief or a shock to some knowing that the hot tub has been removed in the game, but then again it will more than likely be included in a future expansion pack.However, woohoo is still present.
If you already own The Sims 3, it may not worth investing in The Sims 4. Otherwise, it can make for a solid purchase. Just be aware of the fact that you are required to sign up for Origin and download the client in order to play the game.
I personally enjoy the more creative side to the game however I much prefer Sims 3 and the expansion packs to that.
(More Posts on Sims 4 In the future)
Thanks for reading
Much Love
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